Month: September 2023

News Update – October 2023

After a summer which has been in marked contrast to last year’s, we are now
looking forward to October, Halloween and the fruits of autumn harvest.
Certainly, there has been plenty of rainfall, breeze and lower than average
temperatures but also plenty of enjoyable periods, including September
sunshine. We are always fortunate to be able to stroll through Hagg Wood
and at this time, take in the colours of what hopefully could prove to be a long,
mellow Indian Summer. There is likely to be a profusion of fungi in the Wood
to observe, though not eat, during October as a consequence of the amount
of ground water. The fungi we see on the surface are indeed just the visible
parts of an extensive network, that includes lengthy mycorrhizae
underground, that forms a cooperative symbiotic inter-relationship to their
mutual benefit.

Of course, we say goodbye to migrating birds at this time of year, which is
rather sad! The younger swallows leave in late September and older
stragglers in early October. According to the RSPB, swallows from different
parts of Europe migrate to different destinations. It’s incredible that ours go to
South Africa and fly 200 miles every 24 hours, flying during the day and
roosting at night.

The Friends of Hagg Wood have a programme of forthcoming working parties
and if you would like to lend a helping hand on one Saturday morning per
month please get in touch via –

A reminder about a couple of events, first mentioned in last month’s

On Sunday 8th October we are visiting the Tophill Low Nature
Reserve near Driffield. Admission is £3.50 and concessions £2.50. Meet at
the Reading Room at 9.30am. It is worth checking the Tophill website:
for more information.

On Thursday 23rd November at 2.30pm Nick Hall from Butterfly Conservation
will be giving us an illustrated presentation in the Reading Room about the
butterfly populations of Yorkshire.