Month: December 2017

The Grapevine Parish Magazine entry for January 2018

A Happy New Year to all users of the wood. What are we all hoping for in the wood this year?  Perhaps one of the following:

To enjoy plenty of wild flowers, snowdrops, primroses, bluebells, foxgloves and orchids? (Orchids have been seen some years in the wood.)  Or to see an increase in the number of the new broad leaf trees showing their potential as they gain height and girth?  Do you enjoy hearing the birds and therefore hope for more birds nesting? Or to have an increase in wild life in general as the glades provide needed habitat for butterflies and other insects?

I’m sure we all enjoy year-long dry paths but that is difficult to achieve.  Hagg Wood has always been known as a wet area.  However the recent work on cleaning out existing ditches and creating new ones in the northern and western areas of the wood, around Styron Way, Chambers Way and parts of the Main Ride should help to drain those areas and keep paths drier than they have been. Some paths have been widened and made higher.  However we need to give time for the paths to dry out and harden where the contractor’s vehicles have been.   May all our visits to the wood this year be pleasant and rewarding.

On 22nd November we enjoyed a talk from Dr. Geoff Oxford on “The Hazel Dormouse-A Yorkshire Perspective” We heard that dormice are very rare in Yorkshire and there are definitely none in Hagg Wood.   Our next talk, by Toni Brunnell on “The Disappearing Hedgehog” is in the Reading Room at 8pm on Feb 28th. Admission free to members, to non-members £1.50 and refreshments 50p.

Our next working parties are on Saturdays 6th January, 10th February, 10th March,  21st April and 26th May.  Meet at the Hagg Farm end of Intake Lane at 10am and we work through to 1pm with a coffee break about 11am   Bring gloves if you can and wear stout shoes or wellies and suitable clothing.   We hope to see you and work together to make the wood a better place for us all.

Conservation Work Party – Saturday 9th December 2017

Our next work party is on Saturday 9th December and we would be delighted to see any new volunteers. We meet at 10.00 am at the top of Intake Lane and work until 1.00 pm with a break midway.  If you wish to come later check the “Welcome to Hagg Wood” notice board at the entrance to the wood, where a note will indicate where we are working in the wood. Bring gloves if you can, and wear stout shoes or wellies. All the necessary tools are provided.

