Month: November 2016

The Grapevine Parish Magazine entry for December 2016

It has been a stunning autumn in Hagg Wood. The leaves remained on the trees as late as mid November which is relatively unusual in this part of the country. On the bright sunny autumn days  it was a joy to see the variety of colours in the wood, vivid reds, yellows and orange/browns.


We must not however  take our woodland areas for granted. We need to manage and monitor our woodland areas as much as possible with the help of the Forestry Commission.  A recent study at Exeter University has made it clear that ash dieback  has the potential to spread more rapidly than first assumed. The FOHW are doing their utmost to ensure that our community wood is protected as much as possible. In recent months we have been working hard in the bluebell areas to remove the brambles that are spreading very rapidly. The Trust for Conservation Volunteers have also been involved in this challenging work.

The committee are busy planning a range of events for 2017. In addition to the regular working parties we also have special events with a clear focus and an opportunity to  get together with people who are concerned about our environment. It is also a way of meeting new people and enjoying each other’s company. On April 8th we are planning a visit to the Drax nature reserve and power station – more details to follow. In the spring time we will also be having a cycle ride to Ellerton Church.  Details of other  events will be published in the next month or two.

The next working parties will be on December 3rd and January 7th.   All are very welcome to join us even if it is only for an  hour or two. We can guarantee a good time – especially if you like fresh air, coffee/cakes and of course good company! Please meet at the end of Intake Lane at 10 am. Alternatively, find us in the wood – a notice will be pinned on the information board showing where we will be working/chattering.


Conservation Work Party – Saturday 3rd December 2016

Our next work party is on Saturday 3rd December and we would be delighted to see any new volunteers.  We meet at 10.00 am at the top of Intake Lane and work until 1.00 pm with a break midway, but even help for just an hour would be appreciated.  Bring gloves if you can, and wear stout shoes or wellies.  All the necessary tools are provided.


Alien Species Talk – Wednesday 23rd November 2016

Alien and invasive species can have a major impact on our native environment, including woodlands, both in the UK and internationally.


Mike Sutton-Croft will be giving an illustrated talk on how alien species can get out of control and how they can be tackled. He is an ecologist and information scientist  and he is well-positioned to give us his expert view from his work for the Animal and Plant Health Agency branch of the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).   With more international mobility of people and greater international trade and movement of diverse plants and animals, this is a subject we need to be increasingly aware of, if we are to protect our own local environment.

Meet at 8.00 pm  in  Dunnington Reading Room.

Admission is free to members, non-members £1.50.