Month: February 2016

“Beautiful Butterflies” Talk – Wednesday 24th February 2016

Friends of Hagg Wood  present Beautiful Butterflies


Dr Rachel Pateman, Research Associate at the Stockholm Environment Institute at the University of York, will be giving us an illustrated talk on her work on butterfly conservation.

Butterflies are both beautiful and in need of conservation, so come along and hear how we can help them to flourish

Dunnington Reading Room at 8.00pm

Members Free, Non-Members £1.50  Refreshments 50p

Conservation Work Party – Saturday 13th February 2016

We would be delighted to see any new volunteers joining our regulars.  We meet at 10.00 am at the top of Intake Lane and work until 1 pm with a break midway, but even help for just an hour would be appreciated. We provide all the appropriate tools, but suggest you wear strong shoes or wellies.

Further details of our activities can be found on our website