Month: May 2017

The Grapevine Parish Magazine entry for June 2017

It has been hugely encouraging for all the members who have put in so much effort over the years to see how beautiful the wood has looked this Spring.  During a walk in the wood in early May I counted seventeen species of bird and I particularly enjoyed the singing of the returning migrants, Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler.

We are striving to improve the biodiversity even further by establishing “Glades”, which are aimed at providing areas which will benefit pollinating insects and butterflies. However, some of our efforts have not been well received by every user of the wood. We have tried to establish the Crater ponds as wildlife areas, but obviously some prefer to use them as a play area for their dogs, making it almost impossible for aquatic life to flourish.

Our next event is:-
Saturday 3rd June – Cycle Ride to Ellerton Church. Meeting at 11.00a.m. at the play area on Intake Lane the ride will take in the quiet lanes beyond Elvington. This interesting church will be open to explore at 2.30pm. Please bring a packed lunch.

Our next Woodland Working parties will be held on Saturdays the 10th June, 8th July and 5th August. Meet at the wood end of Intake Lane at 10 a.m., or just find us in the wood. Details will be posted on the notice board as you enter the wood. All equipment will be provided and we usually work through to 1.00pm. You will be made very welcome even if you only stay for an hour or two.

York’s St Nicholas Fields Nature Reserve & FoHW AGM – Wednesday 24th May 2017


Jonathan Dent is the Nature Reserve Manager of the St Nicholas Field Nature Reserve, which has claims to be “the Green Heart of York”.  It is 24 acres of unique green space just a mile from York city centre between an industrial zone and a housing estate. It became a Local Nature Reserve in 2004 to conserve and maintain a diverse range of habitats to sustain wildlife. It now contains a great variety of trees, plants, shrubs, birds and butterflies. Current projects include improving the management of water courses in York’s becks, including the conservation of local water voles.

First Friday Cycle Group – Outing to Hagg Wood on 5 May 2017

14 riders with the First Friday Cycle Group set off from the Millennium Bridge at 10.15 am, via Walmgate Stray, Heslington and Dunnington to visit the bluebells in Hagg Wood.

On arrival they were provided with light refreshments by two FOHW committee members, before being taken to view the bluebells.

Tea, coffee & biscuits in the “Drumming Circle”


The bluebell display
Time to leave